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4 Effective Tools for Hitting Your New Year’s Resolutions
The great thing about New Year’s Resolutions is that they show a desire to get better. When you resolve in January to lose that unwanted weight, break new PRs in the gym, or finally run a marathon, you’re displaying at least two admirable qualities: humility and ambition.
Losing That Covid Weight Without the Gym
Here’s a common – and perplexing – Covid-19 question a lot of people are asking right now: If I gained unwanted weight because the gyms were shut down during Covid, how do I go about losing covid weight when I’m still unable (or unwilling) to go to the gym?
Essential Gear for Your Outdoor Workouts
There are a number of great outdoor activities available to anyone looking to get in shape, lose body fat, and improve overall health. Running, hiking, biking, swimming, or even just taking a walk in your neighborhood or a local park are some of the most convenient options.
No Gym, No Worries: 90-Day Van Life Resistance Band Transformation - Month 3
Here we are, three months into using the Undersun Fitness resistance bands exclusively for our van life workouts, and our expectations have been blown away. What started as a challenge to seek out the perfect van life workout, has since evolved into fitness freedom.
Build a Home Gym on a Budget
Every problem has a solution. This is especially true when it comes to fitness and working out.
No Gym? Comparing At Home Workout Options
For 99% of the population, here’s the truth: The more stuff you get and the more money you spend, the more regrets you’ll have that you’re letting all that high-priced equipment sit around collecting dust.
No Gym, No Worries: 90-Day Van Life Resistance Band Transformation - Month 2
As I think back through the past month, all I can do is smile. Aaron and I saw some amazing sights and grew in various ways as we worked, played, and traveled our way south from Seattle, WA, into sunny California. We have both been using the Undersun Resistance Bands exclusively for our travel workouts, and haven’t touched any other piece of equipment from our van life gym since committing to this challenge.
Undersun Fitness Real Life Review: Micheal Boyd
“Fitness freedom” doesn’t always mean working out at some far-off location like the beach or a hiking trail. Most of the time it’s a matter of pure practicality – having the ability to get in a great workout at home.
TA2 Mobile Training App Beta Release: How It Works
After much anticipation and a lot of hard work, UNDERSUN Fitness Founder, James Grage, and his team are beyond excited to announce the beta release of the TA2 Mobile Training App! The TA2 Mobile Training App allows the user to take their workouts with them ANYWHERE. Grab your bands, and your phone. Let's GO!
Ultimate Beach Vacation Workout with Bands – Undersun in Mexico
It’s hard to imagine a better 40th birthday present than the one Annik Nayler shared with her husband (and Undersun founder) James Grage.